Winter Is Nearly Here

Winter Is Nearly Here1 Apr 2021

We're already seeing headlines stating that hospital emergency departments (EDs) are overwhelmed. And it's only autumn! As we head into the colder months our EDs, after-hours clinics and urgent care centres get even busier. So here are a few friendly tips to staying well as the weather turns...

Continue to get outside often
As the saying goes "there's no such thing as bad weather; only bad clothing!" so rug up and enjoy nature in all climates.

Embrace winter fruit and veggies
Roast kumara, parsnip and pumpkin. Nutritious hot soups. Vitamin C rich kiwifruit, oranges and mandarins. Persimmons. And leafy greens like silverbeet and bok choy.

Enjoy your rest
Catch up on a little more sleep during the winter months by trying to go to bed 30 mins earlier each night - it's dark out and nothing beats listening to the pitter patter of rain on the roof from inside a cosy bed.

Stay social
It's tempting to hunker down but be sure to keep in touch with loved ones, and catch up when you can, to keep your spirits high.

Maintain vitamin D
If you're catching every cough and cold that's going around, and you're not able to get out during daylight hours, it might pay to check you're not vitamin D deficient with a blood test.

Keep up your exercise
It can be easy to skip the gym or ditch your daily walk when it's raining. But maintaining regular exercise will help keep the winter blues at bay. And then there's that nagging saying "summer bodies are made in winter" too!

We hope that you don’t need us this winter. But, as always, we’re online 24/7 if you do. You can register now if you want to pre-prepare for an unforeseen medical emergency.

Go well this winter.