Frequently Asked Questions


We’ve provided answers to questions commonly asked by our users/patients. If you need further info please don’t hesitate to contact us.

About Emergency Consult

  • Who started Emergency Consult and why?

    We are a team of Emergency Department (ED) clinicians. We formed Emergency Consult because we wanted to bring our expertise out of the bricks and mortar hospital to you - when and where you need it. Please see Our Story, Mission and Values, and Meet The Team for more.

  • Can I trust the advice I receive?

    You can be assured you will receive sound and expert medical advice and treatment options through Emergency Consult. Our Emergency Medicine Doctors and Registered Nurses (RNs) are the same skilled professionals you would have previously encountered only after a lengthy wait and escalation through the hospital system. We’ve all worked extensively in hospital emergency departments (EDs) and are veterans of our healthcare system.

  • What service do you provide?

    Emergency Consult provides rapid access to emergency doctors in the form of a video consultation. This is sometimes referred to as a tele-medicine or tele-health service. It allows you to access care on-demand from your camera-enabled phone or device without having to travel to a hospital or clinic. Think of it as almost like an old fashion house call except it utilises commonplace modern technology.

  • How do I find out more about Emergency Consult?

    You're welcome to get in touch with us directly by emailing [email protected] or phoning 0800 300 108.

  • Where are you located?

    Our clinicians could be answering your call from anywhere in Aotearoa; we have staff located throughout the country. We are supported by an operations team in Kirikiriroa Hamilton.



  • Do I need to download any software?

    No! We have made it as simple as possible for you to access Emergency Consult when you need us. There are no apps or software downloads. As long as your phone or device has a camera and web browser you're good to go.

  • Are my details secure?

    Absolutely. Medical data is stored in compliance with Ministry of Health guidelines. We use a New Zealand-based secure data exchange called Healthlink and a proven New Zealand electronic medical record service called Indici.

  • What web browser should I use?

    For optimal performance we recommend using Google Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Edge.


Fees and Registration

  • How much does a virtual consult cost?

    A doctor consult costs $99 for adults, $49 for children 14 and under, or $180 for international visitors. You can top up your account in advance.

  • Do I stay enrolled with my GP or PHO?

    Yes! You can use Emergency Consult at any time, as often as you need, without it impacting upon your registration with your primary health organisation (PHO) or general practitioner (GP). Think of Emergency Consult as an online urgent-care clinic - it’s best used for unscheduled and unexpected accidents, illnesses and emergencies.

  • Will I still be covered by ACC?

    Yes! Emergency Consult is ACC registered.

  • Will my health insurance cover the cost of consultation?

    You will be required to pay in advance of consultation. If your health insurance covers accident and emergency care then you should claim the cost of your consultation back from them. We are not a Southern Cross affiliated provider at this time.


Know Your Rights


Emergency Medicine

  • What is Emergency Medicine?

    Emergency Medicine is a medical specialty concerned with the care of illnesses or injuries requiring immediate attention. Emergency Medicine Specialists are doctors who are highly trained in early diagnosis, treatment and stabilisation of acute medical illness and life or limb threatening injury. Emergency doctors care for a full spectrum of patients undifferentiated by age or any other characteristic. Senior doctors of this speciality belong to the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine (ACEM).

  • How is an Emergency Medicine Specialist different to a regular doctor?

    After gaining their basic 6 year medical degree, Emergency Medicine Specialists are required to go through a minimum of seven more years of post-graduate training during which time they’ll deal with all types of emergencies. They sit a tough entry exam and an exit specialist exam. Once qualified with their exit exam, Emergency Medicine Specialists belong to the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine (ACEM).



  • Who will answer my video call?

    You may begin your consultation with a brief triage with an Emergency Triage Registered Nurse before you are connected to a doctor. You will not have to wait or queue for long; your video consult will be answered within minutes and the doctor you'll video chat with is an experienced Emergency Medicine Specialist.

  • Will I get to talk to an experienced doctor?

    Yes, you get rapid access to some of the best emergency doctors in Aotearoa! Our doctors are highly regarded Fellows of the Australasian College of Emergency Medicine (FACEMs) and are veterans of the New Zealand healthcare system.

  • Do you provide mental health services?

    Emergency Medicine covers the breadth of healthcare but please be aware that should you present with a mental health concern you will be referred to the relevant service provider. We are unable to provide narcotic scripts, repeat GP scripts, and mental health consultations at this time.

  • Can I get a prescription or referral?

    Our highly experienced emergency doctors will provide diagnosis, medical recommendations, and treatment options as you would expect. Furthermore, they can provide scripts, medical certificates, investigations (labs and x-rays) and referrals.

  • Can I get a repeat prescription?

    If, for example, you are traveling and you've forgotten your medication, then yes our doctors can provide a short term prescription to you. However, we may require you to see your General Practitioner (GP) for any medications that require special authority and/or are known as a ‘controlled drug’ under the NZ Medicine Act 1981.

  • Do you provide a GP service?

    No, we are not a GP service and we are not a primary care provider. General Practitioners (GP) are a medical specialty in itself and, although there are overlap in some skills, emergency medicine specialists are your first port of call for unscheduled accident and illness often occurring afterhours, weekends, nights or when you cannot get in to see your GP urgently.

  • Do you replace ambulance service for an emergency?

    No! If you think you have a life or limb-threatening illness or injury, then call 111.